Monday, December 2, 2019


Also if Victoria is having her reservations about Robin already then their relationship is already doomed. Although, some may say I watch a little too much TV and care a little too much about the characters. Like I said before, if Victoria had these issues with Robin the relationship would not have worked out because it would have led to each of them resenting one another and a whole bunch of other problems down the road. In my opinion I think that Ted made the right decision even though it was so sad to watch it play out. Right from the start, Victoria starts dropping hints that she wants to take their relationship to the next level, which in her mind is to get married. himym 8x05

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In my opinion I think that Ted made the right decision even though it was so sad to watch it play out. Now, moving onto the bigger story of the episode was the whole Ted-Victoria issues leading to an engagement, ultimatum and break-up. Anyways, as Barney returns his new best friend, to his attractive owner, who assumes Robin and Barney are a couple.

Do you think Ted made the right decision? Right from the start, Victoria starts dropping hints that she wants to take their relationship to the next level, which in her mind is to get married.

Alex Reviews TV: HIMYM 8x The Autumn of Break-Ups

Now, back to Ted and Victoria, so after a lot of talking and Victoria straight out coming out and saying it, Ted proposes to Victoria, who says yes. Gimym, which he gimym has unfortunately, not been able to come up with a catch phrase for, leading to some hilarious attempts and failures. Like I said before, if Victoria had these issues with Robin the relationship would not have worked out because it would have led to each of them resenting one another and a whole bunch of other problems himmy the road.

A truly sad moment for this couple and the character of Victoria, because she has always been my favorite out of all his girlfriends and to see how hurt she was, was heartbreaking even though I knew this breakup would happen eventually.

himym 8x05

How do you feel about Ted and Robin possibly giving their relationship another go? Leading me to the site, No White Noise, the perfect way for me to write about and share my thoughts and opinions of the lives of my favorite fictional people, through my recaps and reviews. This has to be my favorite funny moment of the episode; just the delivery of the line made it a laugh out loud moment.

himym 8x05

Also if Victoria is having her reservations about Robin already then their relationship is already doomed. Currently a university student, who loves watching the lives and stories of fictional characters unfold through the medium of television on a weekly basis.

Robin then tries to comfort him by going with him to return the dog, only upsetting Nick a little because Robin is putting Barney ahead of him. Some of my favorite shows, of the moment include: So after his break up with Quinn and his other wingmen in relationships, Barney needed to find a new wingman, which he did in Brover, a dog version of himself.


Besides TV, I also enjoy writing, music, photography, design; and hope to one-day work in the television and media industry. Himy, storyline desperately needs to end since we know for sure she is not the mother, there is absolutely no need to go there again. Although, some may say I watch a little too much TV and care a little too much about the characters.

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